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Welspun Renewables Commissions One of Karnataka’s Largest 19 MW (DC) Solar Capacity - India Renewable Energy Consulting – Solar, Biomass, Wind, Cleantech
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Welspun Renewables Commissions One of Karnataka’s Largest 19 MW (DC) Solar Capacity

  • Project with tracker technology will annually supply 30,724 units of clean energy
  • WREPL’s 11 MW (DC) project commissioned in less than three months, balance 8 MW (DC) operational since last 4 months
  • Commissioned project touches high CUF% of 27%
  • For next 25 years 23,043 tones of CO2 emissions will be mitigated on a yearly basis.

Mumbai, May 14, 2014 Welspun Renewables Energy Private Limited (WREPL), India’s leading renewable energy generator commissions one of Karanataka state’s largest 19 MW (DC) solar capacity. Based in Chitradurga district the project was awarded as twin solar projects of 8 MW (DC) and 11 MW (DC). The 8 MW (DC) capacity was commissioned last year – four months in advance, while the balance 11 MW (DC) capacity has now been developed in less than three months and consequently 10 months ahead of schedule.

An achievement, as most developers who had won projects in Karnataka Phase 1 solar bids are yet to commission theirs. While, in the 2nd phase of bids, out of 13 developers to whom the state had issued an LOI – WREPL’s 11 MW (DC) project is first to be commissioned!

Speaking on the occasion Mr. Vineet Mittal, Vice Chairman, Welspun Renewables Energy Pvt. Ltd. said “We are committed to Karnataka’s energy security targets. As with our projects before, we have commissioned our 19 MW (DC) capacity much ahead of scheduled date; thereby fulfilling on our commitment to deliver environment friendly & efficient energy in the shortest possible time into the stare grids. The project is already touching high performance standard (CUF%) of 27%.”

Karnataka is an energy deficit state and has been reeling under power cuts constantly. With this project in Chitradurga – for the next 25 years, the project will be annually feeding 30,724 units of clean emission free energy into the state grid. This is equivalent to powering 48,000 homes and mitigating 23,043 tones of CO2 emissions.

The tracking system deployed at the site would track the path of the sun from morning till evening. This system is expected to give a significant boost to power generation percentage in comparison to the fixed tilt system.

The solar installation has been developed by Welspun Renewables Energy’s step down subsidiary Welspun Solar Kannada Pvt. Ltd. under the Karnataka Solar policy 2011-16. As per the PPA signed with Mangalore Electric Supply Company (MESCOM), the power plant was scheduled to begin commercial operations only by March 2014. 11 MW (DC) was to be commissioned before 20-Jan-2015.

Welspun Energy has so far built up more than 600 MW solar & wind energy capacity on-ground and of this 328 MW (DC) is already operational. The organization envisions developing power projects pan India, with existing projects located in high radiation zones like Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Punjab.

About Welspun Renewables Energy Pvt. Ltd.: (www.welspunenergy.com)

Welspun Renewables Energy Pvt. Ltd. (WREPL) is a leading independent developer of renewable energy projects with a vision of commissioning 1.75 GW of solar & wind projects. Within a short span, the clean energy generator has pioneered solar power solutions, both in terms of plant size and total installed capacity. Its power plants are among the highest generating projects in the country and have been built ahead of committed timelines, thereby helping the country meet its renewable energy targets. WREPL holds the distinction of winning and operating one of the world’s largest solar projects of 151 MW (DC). Through its strong commitment to triple bottom line, WREPL is working for underserved communities in area of education, empowerment & healthcare. It is presently mitigating over 445,464 tons of CO2 emissions annually.

The information in this release has been included in good faith and is for general purposes only. It should not be relied upon for any specific purpose and no representation or warranty is given as regards to its accuracy or completeness. No information in this press release shall constitute an invitation to invest in Welspun Renewables Energy Pvt. Ltd. or any of its affiliates. Neither Welspun Renewables Energy Pvt. Ltd., nor their or their affiliates’ officers, employees or agents shall be liable for any loss, damage or expense arising out of any action taken on the basis of this press release, including, without limitation, any loss of profit, indirect, incidental or consequential loss.

For further information, please contact:

Welspun Renewables Energy Pvt. Ltd
Ms. Amrita Pai Ms. Surbhee Jain
Email: amrita.pai@welspun.com Email: surbhee_jain@welspun.com
Tel: + 91 (022) 61408028 Tel: +91 (022) 61408029
Cell: 08879684952

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