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EAI Assistance for Marketing and Branding for Cleantech Companies - India Renewable Energy Consulting – Solar, Biomass, Wind, Cleantech
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EAI Assistance for Marketing and Branding for Cleantech Companies

Cleantech Company Struggling to Create a Brand?

Let India’s Top Cleantech Brand Help You Create a Super-brand and a Super Successful Product

Business is marketing

It doesn’t matter if you don’t agree

It is the truth and fact

As an entrepreneur, if you do not recognize and acknowledge that business is marketing, you stand to lose everything.

Don’t rely on the belief that word of mouth alone will take you to the top. Only in rare cases does word of mouth alone result in tremendous growth. And you would not want to bet your hard earned work on rare chances alone, would you?

It is quite possible that your product has everything to be the number one in its category. But unless you do high quality marketing, few will ever get to appreciate your product.

So, what indeed is required in marketing to take you to the top?

Before we get on to that, let me state the top three marketing questions any businessman should ask:


Three simple questions!

Questions to which most of us think we know the answers. And, to a certain extent, we indeed do, if you consider these questions casually.

But now, look at those three simple questions once more and now focus on the words written in bold and capitals.


Trust me, less than 5% of the entrepreneurs focus on these three words for any amount of time.

And those who do, win big time.

I’d in fact go as far to say that appreciating these three qualifying words and acting upon them pretty much separates average marketing from great marketing. And an also ran product to a super-successful product.

Appreciating these three words and acting upon them are not as easy as they sound.

But the benefits to working on these are tremendous.

This is where EAI can assist you.

Our core team has been able to create a premium brand in EAI in just four years from the time we started.

We currently are India’s number one firm in renewable energy/cleantech intelligence and consulting. EAI Daily is the number one brand in renewable energy news. And EAI Club is the country’s most well-known online community for renewable energy and clean technology.

EAI was also instrumental in making RENERGY 2014, organized by the Tamil Nadu government, one of the top most brands in renewable energy events in just 2 years.

Now, EAI is keen on working with other renewable energy and cleantech companies and help them in building their brands to the top, by helping you do the following:

  • Enabling you to understand who your best customer is.
  • Helping you craft the right packaging so that your prospect sees tremendous value in your solution.
  • And finally, help you craft and implement a powerful marketing strategy that will take you to the top much faster than others.

As these will be specialized assignments, EAI will be working with only a few select clients.

The following are the sectors where EAI would be keen on marketing/brand building assignments:

  • Solar PV
  • Solar Thermal
  • Water Management
  • Waste Management (solid waste and waste water)
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Green Buildings
  • Eco-chemicals
  • Organic Products
  • Cleantech Education & Training

If your firm is interested in taking EAI’s marketing assistance to make it to the top, please send a note to consult@eai.in with the title Marketing & Branding Assistance.

Why EAI?

  • Unique and Proven Expertise

    • We have a core team of marketing specialists who have experience in creating powerful brands, and that includes EAI’s own brand
    • Our knowledge and expertise in renewable energy and cleantech ensure that we bring to the table a unique and unmatched intersection of high-end marketing expertise and in-depth cleantech industry knowledge.
    • Our founders are from the IITs and IIMs, and our team members have exceptional academic and professional credentials. These will help your company get the ”best brains on hire”
  • Unmatched Marketing Assets

    • Our online assets – India’s largest renewable energy web site and newsletter, and the only dedicated online community, enable us to help you quickly get your brand to the top spot.
    • Our huge contact database extends to a comprehensive set of cleantech sector stakeholders, across the country. This asset can be used to provide you with critical marketing and business partnerships, pan India
  • Keenness to Make a Difference

    • EAI’s stated goal is to be a catalyst for the cleantech industry. Every activity of ours is thus focused on providing rich value addition to the market and end users. This perspective will be brought to the fore while creating super-brands so that your product can also provide long lasting value to your customers

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