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EAI's Promotion Support for Your Wind Business - India Renewable Energy Consulting – Solar, Biomass, Wind, Cleantech
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EAI’s Promotion Support for Your Wind Business

Looking for a Focused Promotion for Your Wind Business?

Let EAI Assist You through Customized Wind Promotion Opportunities

EAI’s ‘Wind Promotion Package’ is a unique advertisement offer that has the potential to provide your company exceptionally relevant visibility at India’s largest renewable energy online media.

Under this package, your company’s wind energy solutions will be promoted across prominent wind sections at EAI Site, Club, 360 and EAI Daily. This package will be offered only to a maximum of 2 companies.

EAI’s Deliverables

  • Embedding inputs and details of your company’s wind solutions in prominent wind sections at EAI, in relevant ways that also provides exceptional visibility to your company
  • Placing your company banner or text ads in the top slot of prominent wind sections at EAI website and EAI Blog
  • In the duration of the partnership, EAI will publish detailed updates of your new product launches, marketing efforts, and more in a customized manner in its blog posts. These posts will be widely promoted across the Site, Club, 360 and EAI Daily
  • Multiple interviews of your company’s top management to be included in the EAI blog and newsletter
  • Sending semi-dedicated mailers about your company’s wind solutions to our extensive database of over 200,000 renewable energy industry professionals in India. These newsletters will have almost 50% of the content comprising details about your solutions
  • Posting videos of your company’s wind solutions at regular intervals in the EAI blog and promoting it extensively throughout the EAI Site and Newsletter.

Interested? Send an email to advertise@eai.in


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Promotions@EAI – Wind

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EAI Audience

EAI is India’s leading renewable energy research and consulting firm.

EAI is also India’s most known online media for renewable energy that runs the largest and the most popular renewable energy online resources for the country.

  • Our web site (www.eai.in) – the largest online resource for renewable energy, has 150,000 pages and has over 4500 daily unique visitors
  • Our newsletter EAI Daily (www.eai.in/newsletter) – India’s largest renewable energy newsletter, sent thrice a week to over 35,000 renewable energy industry professionals
  • The EAI Club (www.eai.in/club) – largest online community for renewable energy, has 17500 members and over 22,000 posts and counting, and over 2000 unique visitors every day.
  • EAI 360 (www.eai.in/360) – India’s largest aggregator for renewable energy news with over 11,578 news items
  • EAI Videos (www.eai.in/360/videos) – world’s largest aggregator of cleantech & renewable energy videos

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