REaction 2012 - India Renewable Energy Consulting – Solar, Biomass, Wind, Cleantech
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REaction 2012

Comprehensive, Interactive Renewable Energy Conference with Focus on Emerging Areas

Jul 26, 27 2012, Chennai Trade Centre

EAI co-ordinated Renergy 2012, India’s Largest Renewable Energy Conference in Mar 2012, with over 1300 delegates. Now, in REaction 2012, EAI is organizing the WORLD’S most interactive renewable energy meet at Chennai, in Jul 2012.

Can You Afford to Miss the Action @ REaction 2012?

Be It in Interactivity, Size or Quality, REaction 2012 Will be the Best in the World. Not to be Missed for Anything

  • Organized by EAI, Leader in Renewable Energy Intelligence & Research
  • Action oriented meet focussing on clear actionables and take-aways for all delegates
  • Best Thought Leaders from around the World as Speakers
  • Large Number of Renewable Energy Industry Professionals as Delegates – Over 2000 Expected
  • 20 Interactive Sessions, 100 Critical Topics, 100 Speakers.
  • Over 40 Unique Topics Designed Using EAI’s In-depth Knowledge of the Renewable Energy Industry
  • The Only Renewable Energy Meet Providing Exceptional Interaction Facilities BEFORE, DURING and AFTER the event
  • Unique Online Networking Facilities for Delegates, for the First Time for Any Renewable Energy Conference Worldwide
  • Focussed Networking Sessions for Exploring New Business Opportunities in Renewable Energy
  • Additional Value Adds Available for Foreign Delegates Keen on Exploring Business Opportunities
  • 3 Free White Papers (One Each in Solar, Wind and Biomass Power) for Every Delegate
  • Complimentary Report “Comprehensive Indian Renewable Energy Advisor” Worth Rs 4,500 for Every Delegate.

By Registering Early, You Can Start Interacting Online with Other Delegates Right Away

Action & Interaction @ REaction 2012 – BEFORE, DURING & AFTER the Event

At most conferences, discoveries of other experts and professionals are accidental in nature. Not so with REaction 2012.

The prospect of interacting with many relevant experts is one of the critical value additions any conference should provide; most conferences don’t. REaction 2012 will.

BEFORE – Every delegate can immediately join the REaction 2012 Online Community and start identifying other delegates they would like to meet. Once identified, they can also start interacting with these delegates online, and also schedule meeting while they will be at REaction 2012.

DURING – At the event as well, there will be focused methods to identify companies and individuals you would like to network with. These will take the form of group interactions as well as facilities by which specific delegates could be identified for one-on-one interactions. A good number of members from the REaction team will be deployed only to foster these interactions at the venue

AFTER – The REaction 2012 web community platform will be open for two months after the event for the delegates to post their thoughts, insights, questions and reactions. Speakers and other delegates can use this forum to answer specific questions or to form specific associations.

Topics @ REaction 2012

(Tentative list of topics, subject to some changes based on speaker availability)

  • Biomass Power

    • Business and Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Biomass Power
    • Future of Biomass Gasification and Small Scale Biomass Power in India
    • Overcoming the Supply Chain Problems in Biomass Power
    • Will Dedicated Energy Crops be the Future of Biomass Power?
    • R&D in Energy Crops for Higher Biomass Yield with Lower Inputs
  • Emerging Biofuels
    • The Future of Jatropha Biofuels
    • Algae Based Fuels – Status and Trends
    • Commercialization Status of Cellulosic Ethanol
    • Trends in Biomass to Liquid Fuels such as Diesel, Gasoline and DME
    • Other Emerging Biodiesel & Bioethanol Feedstocks
    • Emerging Processes in Thermochemical & Biochemical Pathways for Biofuel Production
  • Waste to Energy
    • Overcoming the W2E Bottlenecks – A Blueprint to Make Waste to Energy More Sustainable in India
    • Gasification & Pyrolysis Technologies for Waste to Energy
    • Anaerobic Digestion and Sewage Waste to Energy
    • Waste Heat Recovery in Industrial Systems and Processes
    • Latest Trends in Industrial Waste to Energy
    • Distributed Management of and Energy Recovery from Waste
  • D2R – Moving Your Company from Diesel towards Renewables
    • Use of Solar PV to Offset Diesel Consumption (including for telecom towers)
    • Use of Solar Thermal to Offset Diesel / Furnace Oil Consumption
    • Use of Biomass for Move from Diesel or Furnace Oil to Renewable Energy Sources
    • Utilizing CHP and VAM in Getting Higher Value from Diesel Usage
  • Solar PV
    • Blueprint for a Solar Manufacturing Ecosystem in India
    • Emerging Opportunities for Small Entrepreneurs and Businesses in Solar Power
    • Thin Film vs Crystalline – How to Decide on Which is Best
    • Latest R&D Efforts in Solar PV Worldwide – Thin Films, CPV, Organic Solar Cells
    • Making Diesel to Solar A Reality – Technical & Economic Feasibility
    • Latest Developments in Concentrated Photovoltaic (CPV)
  • Solar CSP
    • Latest Technological Advances in Solar CSP
    • Small Scale CSP Power Plants – Technical and Economic Feasibility
    • Indian & Global Case Studies in Solar CSP Power Plants
    • Key Bottlenecks and Drivers for Solar CSP Power Production
    • Perspectives Shared by the Global Leaders in Solar CSP
  • Solar Thermal
    • The Future of Solar Water Heating in India
    • Using Solar Thermal for Industrial Applications – Case Studies and Future Possibilities
    • Latest Developments in Concentrated Solar Thermal
    • Latest Developments in VAM for Use of Solar Thermal for Air Conditioning / Refrigeration
    • Emerging Trends in High Temperature Solar Thermal
  • Wind
    • Potential for Small Wind in India
    • Business and Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Wind Energy
    • Latest Technology Developments in Wind Power
    • India’s Future in Wind Energy – Trends and Key Developments
    • How Indian Companies are Procuring Wind Power to Go Green
  • Energy Efficiency
    • Emerging Energy Efficiency Tools & Techniques in Industry & Households
    • Perform Achieve Trade (PAT) and Its Future
    • Trends in Energy Efficient Lighting & Heating
    • Energy Efficient Industrial Motors
    • Energy Efficiency in HVACs
  • Financing for Renewable Energy
    • Emerging Perspectives of an Equity Investor about Investing in RE
    • Unique and Emerging Financing Vehicles for Renewable Energy Projects
    • Perspectives of a Debt Finance Company
    • Role of Multilateral Financial Institutions in Renewable Energy Financing
    • How International Giants are Investing in Renewable Energy as an Alternative Investment Vehicle
  • Venture Capital for Renewable Energy & Clean Technology

    • Non Availability of VC and Angel Investments into Small Cleantech & RE projects
    • Case Studies of Indian Cleantech & Renewable Energy Companies that Have been VC Funded
    • Perspectives of Venture Capitalists Investing in RE and Cleantech Companies
    • Emerging Global Trends in VC Investments in Renewable Energy
    • Angel Funding Possibilities in Renewable Energy & Cleantech Projects
    • Key Aspects VCs Look for in Cleantech and Renewable Energy Companies/ Startups
  • A Roadmap for Benefitting from Renewable Energy for Indian & Global Corporates
    • Utilizing the Factory / Office Rooftop for Solar Power
    • Using the Waste from Your Factory / Industry to Recover Value/Energy
    • Becoming Green through Procurement of Wind Power through Open Access or Group Captive
    • Using RECs as a Financial Incentive in Your Go Green Initiatives
    • Creating Better Awareness among Employees in Your Efforts to Go Green
  • Unique Ideas in Cleantech and Renewable Energy

    • Unique & Emerging Ideas in Solar & Wind – Solar/wind hybrid, VAWT, Organic Solar Cells
    • Unique & Emerging Ideas in Waste to Energy, Biomass Power – Pyrolysis, Latest Trends in Biomass to Liquids (BTL)
    • Unique & Emerging Ideas in Hydro – Hydrokinetic Energy, Pico Hydro
    • Unique & Emerging Ideas in Energy Efficiency – Back Pressure Steam Turbines, Intelligent Building Energy Management
    • Unique & Emerging Ideas in Renewable Energy Products – Unique Electric Vehicles, Creative Cleantech Products for the Bottom of The Pyramid and Rural Segments
  • Creative Renewable Energy Ideas from Small Scale Entrepreneurs
    • Case Studies from Successful Small Scale Entrepreneurs
    • Case Studies of Companies with Unique Ideas
    • Perspectives of Small Scale Entrepreneurs on Adding Significant Value
    • Emerging Trends in Large Company Partnerships with Creative Small Scale Entrepreneurs
  • Distributed Energy Generation
    • Distributed Energy Generation in Solar
    • Distributed Energy Generation in Wind
    • Distributed Energy Generation in Biomass
    • Latest Innovations that Spur Distributed Energy Generation
    • Distributed Energy Generation and Its Increasing Relevance to Indian Villages & Regions Off the Grid
  • Renewable Energy Policies & Incentive Framework
    • Discussion on the Existing & Upcoming State Policies
    • Best of Breed Policies for Indian Renewable Energy – Learning from Global Success Stories
    • Future of Feed in Tariffs
    • Future of Carbon Credits
    • Future of RECs in India
    • IPPs and the Emergence of Generation Based Incentives
  • New Energy Sources such as Tidal, Geothermal, Wave
    • Latest Updates Worldwide in Tidal & Wave Power
    • Latest Updates Worldwide in Geothermal, Including Enhanced Geothermal
    • Latest Updates Worldwide in Osmotic Pressure and Salinity Gradient
    • Latest Updates Worldwide in Unique Hybrid Systems – Solar/Biomass, Solar PV/CSP, Offshore Wind/Algae Fuels
  • Electric Vehicles
    • Making Battery Charging Infrastructure a Reality for The Success of EVs
    • Latest Breakthroughs in Electric Vehicles
    • Trends in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
    • Latest in Electric Motorbikes and Scooters
  • Green Buildings
    • Zero Energy Buildings
    • Water, Materials and Waste Management in Green Buildings
    • Successful Indian Case Studies in Green Buildings
    • Green Buildings & LEDs/Environment Friendly Lighting
    • Green Townships & Green Factory Buildings
    • Green Building & Construction Materials
  • Energy Storage
    • Latest in Battery Storage – Li-ion, Flow Batteries…
    • Pumped Storage – Status and Trends
    • Trends in Compressed Air Storage
    • Use of Molten Salt Storage, Specifically in Solar CSP
    • Developments in Flywheel Storage
  • Smart Grid
    • Emerging Trends in Demand Management for Smart Grid
    • Smart Grid & the Transmission & Distribution Sector
    • Grid Network Intelligence and Smart Grid
    • Smart Appliances and Their Contribution to Smart Grid
  • Green Computing & Use of IT in Renewable Energy

    • Latest Trends & Updates in Green Data Centers
    • How the Future Looks for Green & Energy Saving Computers
    • Use of Sustainable Materials in Computer Manufacturing
    • Energy Efficiency through Virtualization
    • Cloud Computing & Its Contribution to Sustainable Computing
    • Use of IT in Renewable Power Production – in Forecasting, Monitoring and Control
  • Hydrogen & Fuel Cells
    • State and Prospects for Hydrogen Vehicles in India
    • Latest Breakthroughs in Hydrogen Production
    • New Methods for Storing Hydrogen
    • Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
    • Microbial Fuel Cells
  • Others
    • Clean Coal – Status and Emerging Trends
    • Emerging Trends in Sustainable Transportation
    • Sustainable Cities – Emerging Conceptual & Operational Frameworks
    • Latest Technologies for CO2 Capture and Sequestration
    • New Uses of Nanotech, Biotech & Infotech in Renewable Energy & Clean Technology
    • Alternative Materials for Scarce and Rare Metals/Resources in Renewable Energy Components and Equipments

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  • Rs 12000 for two days ($300 for international delegates)
  • Rs 7500 for one day ($185 for international delegates)

EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT – Book before Apr 30 for an early bird prices – Rs 9500 for two days ($250 for international delegates), Rs 6000 ($150 for international delegates) for one day.

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