Latest News for Energy Efficiency, Solar, Wind, Biomass Power, Biofuels, Waste to Energy
A state specific policy dedicated to solar was first envisioned by Gujarat in 2009. The outlines were given under the policy titled “Solar Power Policy -2009”. The policy was the first solar specific policy introduced in the country predating the National Solar Mission.
About 68.9 GW across 26 districts
Installed Capacity
(January 2012)
- PPA signed for over 900 MW of capacity
- About 200 MW under implementation at the solar park near Patan
- A total of 578.40 MW to come up over the next couple of months
Projected Capacity Additions
1000 MW by 2014
Solar RPO
- 2010-11 – 0.25%
- 2011-12 – 0.50%
- 2012-13 – 1.00%
Policy Objectives
- Promoting generation of green and clean power using solar energy
- Aim to optimally leverage the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
- Productive use of waste land, thereby engendering a socio-economic transformation
- Employment generation and skill enhancement of local youth
- Promotion of R&D and facilitation of technology transfer
- Establish core technical competence in professionals in the state to initiate and sustain use of effective management of newer applications
- Promotion of local manufacturing facilities
- Creation of environmental consciousness among citizens
Salient Features
Operative Period
- Valid up to 31st March 2014
Capacity Target
- Maximum of 500 MW to be installed during the operative period
Minimum Capacity
- Solar PV – 5 MW
- Solar Thermal (CSP) – 5 MW
Eligibility Criteria
- Any company or body corporate or association or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not
- Power plants using second hand machinery will not be eligible
Transmission/Wheeling Charges
- Below 66 kV – 10% of energy fed into the grid
- For plants < 5 MW capacity – 7% of energy fed into the grid
- If power is wheeled to more than two locations – additional charge of 5 paise per unit
Exemptions Offered
- Exempted from payment of electricity duty
- Exemption from demand cut to the extent of 50% of installed capacity
- No cross subsidy in case of 3rd party sale
Tariff (Order dated 22nd June 2010)
- Solar PV
- Rs. 15 per kWh for first 12 years
- Rs. 5 per kWh from 13th to 25th year
- Solar Thermal (CSP)
- Rs. 11 per kWh for first 12 years
- Rs. 4 per kWh from 13th to 25th year
Revised Tariff Proposal (Dated 28th January 2012)
- Solar PV (2012-13)
- Levelised Tariff (MW Scale Projects)
- 2012-13 – Rs. 9.28 per kWh for 25 years
- 2013-14 – Rs. 8.63 per kWh for 25 years
- 2014-15 – Rs. 8.03 per kWh for 25 years
- LevelisedTariff (kW Scale Projects)
- 2012-13 – Rs. 11.14 per kWh for 25 years
- 2013-14 – Rs. 10.36 per kWh for 25 years
- 2014-15 – Rs. 9.63 per kWh for 25 years
- Solar Thermal (2012-15)
- LevelisedTariff (MW Scale Projects)
- 2012-13 – Rs. 11.55 per kWh for 25 years
- 2013-14 – Rs. 11.55 per kWh for 25 years
- 2014-15 – Rs. 11.55 per kWh for 25 years
Metering of Electricity
- Electricity generated would be metered on a monthly basis
- Metering done at 66 kV or above sub-station level
Nodal Agencies
- Gujarat Energy Development Agency (GEDA)
- Gujarat Power Corporation Limited (GPCL)
Among the states in India, Gujarat has the largest potential for wind energy development. In view to develop this sector, the government came up with a state specific wind energy policy titled “Wind Energy Policy – 2007”. The policy has since undergone two revisions, the most recent of which was the amendment in 2009 wherein the policy titled “Wind Power Policy (First Amendment) – 2007” came into effect.
- Between 10 GW and 40 GW depending on land availability
Installed Capacity
- 2284 MW (as on 30th July 2011)
Wind RPO
- 2010-11 – 4.50%
- 2011-12 – 5.00%
- 2012-13 – 5.50%
Salient Features
Operative Period
- Valid up to 30th June 2012
Eligibility Criteria
- Any company or body corporate or association or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not
- Power plants using second hand machinery will not be eligible
- Wind farms would have to be setup at sites notified by GEDA and/or any other site identified as potential site within the state by the developer
Transmission/Wheeling Charges
- At66 kV and above – allowed on payment of transmission charges and transmission losses otherwise applicable to OA customer
- Below 66 kV –10% of energy fed into the grid
- Below 66 kV and from sites having single turbine – 7% of energy fed into the grid
- If power is wheeled to more than two locations – additional charge of 5 paise per unit
Exemptions Offered
- Exempted from payment of electricity duty except in the case of 3rd party sale
- Exemption from demand cut to the extent of 30% of installed capacity
Tariff (2009 Order)
- Rs. 3.37 per kWh for entire life of the wind farm (applicable for farms commissioned before 1st April 2009)
- Rs. 3.50 per kWh for entire life of the wind farm (applicable for farms commissioned from 1st April 2009)
Security Deposit
- Bank guarantee @ Rs. 5 lacs per MW which shall be forfeited if entire plant capacity is not operational as under
- 1 to 100 MW – one year from date of allotment of transmission
- 101 to 400 MW – Two years from date of allotment of transmission
- 401 to 600 MW – Three years from date of allotment of transmission
Grid Connectivity and Evacuation
- Evacuation facility from wind farm substation to GETCO substation within 100 km shall be erected by developer at their own cost and beyond this limit, GETCO shall erect the evacuation facilities.
Metering of Electricity
- Electricity generated would be metered on a monthly basis
- Metering done at 66 kV or above sub-station level located at the wind farm site
Nodal Agencies
- Gujarat Energy Development Agency (GEDA)
The policy with regards to biomass based power generation was outlined under the GERC order – “Determination of tariff for Biomass Power Projects” which came into effect on 1st June 2010.
- About 1762 MW from surplus agro residue
- About 114 MW from biomass from forests
Installed Capacity
- Less than 1 MW (as on 31st March 2011)
Biomass/Bagasse RPO
- 2010-11 – 0.25%
- 2011-12 – 0.50%
- 2012-13 – 0.50%
Salient Features
Operative Period
- Valid up to 31st March 2013
Eligibility Criteria
- Any company or body corporate or association or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not
- Power plants using second hand machinery will not be eligible
Transmission/Wheeling Charges
- At 66 kV and above – allowed on payment of transmission charges and transmission losses otherwise applicable to OA customer
- Below 66 kV
- 10% of energy fed into the grid to be shared between transmission and distribution licensees in the ratio of 4:6
- For capacity below 5 MW – 7% of energy fed into the grid to be shared between transmission and distribution licensees in the ratio of 4:3
- If power is wheeled to more than two locations – additional charge of 5 paise per unit
- Injection at 11 kV and drawl at 11 kV and below – wheeling loss @ 6% per and wheeling charges @ 5 paise per kWh
Exemptions Offered
- Exempted from cross subsidy surcharge for 3rd party sale
Tariff (2010 Order)
- With AD benefit
- Rs. 4.40 per kWh for first 10 years
- Rs. 4.75 per kWh from 11th year onwards
- Without AD benefit
- Rs. 4.45 per kWh for first 10 years
- Rs. 4.80 per kWh from 11th year onwards
Reactive Power Charges
- 10 paise per KVARH for the drawal of reactive energy at 10% or less of the net energy exported.
- 25 paise per KVARH for the drawal of reactive energy at more than 10% of the net active energy exported.
Security Deposit
- Bank guarantee @ Rs. 5 lakhs per MW
- Guarantee shall be forfeited if project is not commissioned within 4 years
Nodal Agencies
- Gujarat Energy Development Agency (GEDA)
Bagasse Based Cogen
The policy with regards to biomass based power generation was outlined under the GERC order – “Determination of tariff for Bagasse based co-generation Power Plants” which came into effect on 1st June 2010.
- About 1762 MW from surplus agro residue
- About 114 MW from biomass from forests
Installed Capacity
- Less than 1 MW (as on 31st March 2011)
Biomass/Bagasse RPO
- 2010-11 – 0.25%
- 2011-12 – 0.50%
- 2012-13 – 0.50%
Salient Features
Operative Period
- Valid from 1st June 2010 to 31stMay 2013
Eligibility Criteria
- Any company or body corporate or association or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not
- Power plants using second hand machinery will not be eligible
Transmission/Wheeling Charges
- At 66 kV and above – allowed on payment of transmission charges and transmission losses otherwise applicable to OA customer
- Below 66 kV
- 10% of energy fed into the grid to be shared between transmission and distribution licensees in the ratio of 4:6
- Capacity below 5 MW – 7% of energy fed into the grid to be shared between transmission and distribution licensees in the ratio of 4:3
- If power is wheeled to more than two locations – additional charge of 5 paise per unit
- Injection at 11 kV and drawl at 11 kV and below – wheeling loss @ 6% per and wheeling charges @ 5 paise per kWh
Exemptions Offered
- Exempted from cross subsidy surcharge for 3rd party sale
Tariff (2010 Order)
- With AD benefit
- Rs. 4.55 per kWh for first 10 years
- Rs. 4.90 per kWh from 11th year onwards
- Without AD benefit
- Rs. 4.61 per kWh for first 10 years
- Rs. 4.96 per kWh from 11th year onwards
Reactive Power Charges
- 10 paise per KVARH for the drawal of reactive energy at 10% or less of the net energy exported.
- 25 paise per KVARH for the drawal of reactive energy at more than 10% of the net active energy exported.
Security Deposit
- Bank guarantee @ Rs. 5 lakhs per MW
- Guarantee shall be forfeited if project is not commissioned within 4 years
Nodal Agencies
- Gujarat Energy Development Agency (GEDA)
Renewable Energy For A Manufacturing Facility
The client a leading global beverage manufacturer was interested in interacting face-to-face with a representative cross section of India companies that have developed novel processes or technologies along any point in the biomass-to-value process chain.
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