India Solar, Wind, Biomass, Biofuels – EAI

2nd Annual RenewCon India

Latest News for Energy Efficiency, Solar, Wind, Biomass Power, Biofuels, Waste to Energy

The 2nd Annual Renewcon India 2011 conference took place in Mumbai during the period 27-30 September 2011. EAI was a partner for the event and released two whitepapers titled PV beyond PPA and Taste the success from Waste.

EAI’s director Narasimhan Santhanam chaired the one-day seminar on Waste Management which covered topics like Municipal Solid Waste to Energy, E-Waste management, Regulatory and Policy support from the government and financing options in the segment. Narasimhan made a presentation on the topic “Leveraging advanced technologies to achieve the effective conversion of waste to energy”

Madhavan Nampoothiri who heads the Solar division of EAI was part of two panel discussions during the solar conference.  Madhavan’s experience and other details about the event are summarized in his blog post

Narasimhan’s presentation on Waste to Energy can be found here.

Renewable Energy For A Manufacturing Facility


The client a leading global beverage manufacturer was interested in interacting face-to-face with a representative cross section of India companies that have developed novel processes or technologies along any point in the biomass-to-value process chain.
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