www.eai.in/solutions/marketing/enhance | India Renewable Energy Consulting – Solar, Biomass, Wind, Cleantech
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What is EAI Enhance?
EAI provides effective custom sales support for select companies in clean energy & cleantech. Our team assists these companies in taking their business to the next level.
The key benefits we provide are:
Significantly increase the reach of the client’s products and solutions, and
Critical support to the client’s internal sales and marketing team in converting prospects to customers
Who Will Benefit from EAI Enhance?
Small and medium Indian companies with innovative solutions in clean energy and environment, and keen on accelerated business growth will be the key beneficiaries of EAI Enhance.
How Can EAI Enhance Provide Significant Marketing & Sales Benefits?
For its partners, EAI Enhance achieves the twin goals of increasing market reach and maximizing sales conversions by using its existing strengths, assets and expertise.
Increasing Reach
We help dramatically extend the reach of our partner company’s products and solutions through the following avenues:
Using our vast database representing a diverse spectrum of stakeholders within clean energy and cleantech
Using our web site – EAI runs popular and high traffic web properties that will prove valuable to reaching out to a focused audience in a scalable manner
Using our marketing / telesales team – In select cases, our partner company can also leverage EAI’s internal prospecting team
Maximizing Conversions
To complement the enhanced prospect reach, we also assist our partners in maximizing the conversions of prospects. We accomplish this through the following:
Assistance in identifying the most attractive end user market segments
Assistance in developing powerful and effective marketing & sales collaterals
Guidance in market research and attractive market segment identification
Additional Sales & Marketing Support with EAI Enhance
In addition to the core value adds of increasing market reach and maximizing sales conversions, we also provide additional support benefits on a case to case basis. Here are some of them.
Assisting in Focused Workshops & Events
Increase Organic Traffic to Web Site by Implementing Powerful Ideas and Content Strategies
Making Your Email and Newsletter Marketing Avenues More Effective
Developing Powerful Business Cards & Brochures for Your Business
Assistance in Developing Effective and Creative Business Videos
Training your Tele-calling & Tele-sales Teams
Designing Product/Solution Packages that Can Help You Get a Foot in the Door for Prospects
Helping Your Team Put Together an Effective Prospect Qualifying System
Designing Effective Methods and Tools to Keep in Touch with Sales Prospects
Streamlining Your Current Sales & Distribution Channels
Clean Energy
Resources & Others
Renewable Energy
Solar Energy
Waste to Energy
Sustainable Transportation
Electric Vehicles
EV Charging Stations
Water Conservation
Water Purification
Water Recycling & Reuse
Energy Efficiency
Energy Efficient Industrial Devices
Green Buildings
Smart Grid
Energy Monitoring & Analysis
Waste Management
Plastic Waste
Industrial Waste Water
Recycling & Upcycling
Waste to Energy
Sustainable Materials
Renewable Chemicals
Sustainable Plastics & Packaging
Energy Storage
Battery Storage
Fuel Cells
Pollution Control
Air Pollution
Water Pollution
Noise Pollution
Sustainable Health & Wellness
Health Foods & Nutraceuticals
Business Model
EAI adopts a win-win approach for EAI Enhance. Our commercials for such assistance are also worked out with this in mind.
Talk to us: Send us an email to enhance@eai.in with brief details of your sector and requirements. We will get in touch with you soon.
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