India Livestock Sector GHG & CO2 Emissions - India Renewable Energy Consulting – Solar, Biomass, Wind, Cleantech
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All data for 2023.

Total GHG Emissions (CO2eq): 3.4 billion tons.

Total Livestock Sector Emissions:

  • Total GHG emissions: 270 million tons (CO2eq)
  • Proportion of total: 8%

Hope this is useful.

If you have queries on this, please send a note to and I will try my best to help! – Narsi, EAI

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270 million tons per year –

About Narasimhan Santhanam (Narsi)

Narsi, a Director at EAI, Co-founded one of India's first climate tech consulting firm in 2008.

Since then, he has assisted over 250 Indian and International firms, across many climate tech domain Solar, Bio-energy, Green hydrogen, E-Mobility, Green Chemicals.

Narsi works closely with senior and top management corporates and helps then devise strategy and go-to-market plans to benefit from the fast growing Indian Climate tech market.

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