EAI has launched the EAI Volunteer Experts Program. As part of EAI’s efforts for catalyzing cleantech activities, we are forming an expert panel of volunteers. This expert panel will comprise industry professionals and others with specific skills and knowledge in the renewable energy and cleantech domains.
Objective of the Volunteer Experts Program
The objective of forming this panel is to connect these experts with renewable energy and cleantech activities around India, so that these experts contribute to the acceleration of renewable energy and clean technology across various sectors, industry segments and communities.
This panel will comprise experts and professionals from diverse renewable energy and clean technology sectors, who are willing to share their expertise for the progress of their communities/regions.
The key segments that the experts will assist will be Schools, Colleges, Non Government Organizations, Rural Communities and the Bottom of Pyramid sections of the society. However, there are no constraints on the experts providing assistance to other sectors as well (for example, industries, government, private sector etc).
Net Zero by Narsi
Insights and interactions on climate action by Narasimhan Santhanam, Director - EAI
View full playlistRoles & Activities
Typical activities of the volunteer experts will include
- Giving presentations, training sessions
- Providing hands of training in their areas of expertise
- Taking the stakeholders to renewable energy locations for demonstration
- Developing customized content and intelligence materials
Volunteer Benefits
- The most important reward you get for being a volunteer is the satisfaction you get for being an important catalyst for the growth and acceleration of renewable energy
Significant Recognition
- Separate page at a distinct section of EAI for each volunteer; thus, each volunteer receives significant recognition
- Volunteers can also upload any specific efforts they undertook at their page, thus providing them even more recognition
- While the volunteer efforts are not for profit-making purposes, EAI will recommend that the volunteers are reimbursed all the direct expenses for their work, as well as provided with any incentive possible for their efforts. These incentives will be decided by the respective entity and EAI will have no role i deciding this. Similarly, any incentive will be completely for the volunteers, and EAI will not claim any share in it.
Indirect Business and Professional Benefits
- Such volunteer work is likely to get you connected to and networked with people who could provide you/your business career or business benefits.
- An example could be one where the school where you give a presentation on solar panels selects your company to install solar panels on its rooftop.
Interested? Know more from the EAI Volunteer Experts page