ClimaQuiz @ Chennai, Jan 15th 2023
This is something I have been asked for a while…why are we not having climate change & sustainability related quizzes in India (or for that matter, anywhere in the world) when climate is the most important topic today?
Why indeed not, I used to ask myself.
There are of course climate related quizzes and trivia scattered all over the web, but are there serious quiz shows/series/brands on the likes of KBC or Bournvita Quiz or Chennai’s Landmark Quiz or even games such as the Trivial Pursuit?
I doubt it.
Net Zero by Narsi
Insights and interactions on climate action by Narasimhan Santhanam, Director - EAI
View full playlistBut as everything around us starts getting affected by – and influenced by – climate change, I feel it is time we had a quiz/trivia/game series around climate. What more enriching & engaging way to get the 𝘢𝘢𝘮 𝘢𝘢𝘥𝘮𝘪 learn about climate change, climate tech & climate solutions!
My team and I call it ClimaQuiz.
We plan to kick this concept off in a small way by holding the first ClimaQuiz in Chennai on Pongal day (Jan 15, 2023, 3 PM – 7 PM, venue to be announced shortly).
As this is the inaugural ClimaQuiz, would like to keep it simple so that we all can learn from it and structure it better for the next edition.
The plan is to have two sets of quizzes – one for school children (ideally grades 9-12) and the other for everyone else.
While we put together the pieces of the ClimaQuiz and get back within a week, I would like folks interested in participating in it or in assisting our team to PM me on LinkedIn or send an email to
Sounds fun to me. To you?
See my LinkedIn post on this topic