The Importance of Deep Tech for India’s Climate Tech – Priya Shah of Theia Ventures
If you thought the world is in the midst of a decarbonization wave, here’s news for you – we have barely started.
Some of the relatively easier avenues of decarbonization, renewable energy & energy efficiency in particular, have seen significant growth in the last decade and have also contributed reasonably well to decarbonization of select sectors.
But as the world starts on a serious journey to Net Zero (we are still pumping 50+ billion tons of CO2 equivalent every year), it will start encountering difficult to decarbonize domains that are some of the largest contributors to emissions, and which will require different approaches & efforts – prominent examples include grid scale energy storage, decarbonization of steel production, direct air carbon capture, dramatically enhancing soil carbon sequestration etc.
Many of these efforts will possibly require significant R&D efforts at fairly fundamental levels in order to arrive at completely disruptive solutions – something that many folks like to call deep tech.
Net Zero by Narsi
Insights and interactions on climate action by Narasimhan Santhanam, Director - EAI
View full playlistIn this session of Climate TikTalks, I talk to Priya Shah a General Partner at Theia Ventures, an IP led venture capital firm, and a Director @ SusMafia, on the need for India to invest significantly into deep tech for high impact decarbonization solutions.
The CLIMAFIX TikTalks are done as part of the CLIMAFIX Summit 2022, organized by EAI Energy Alternatives India & Energy Consortium – IIT Madras, 25 & 26 Nov 2022, 200+ climate tech startups and 100+ investors are expected to be at the summit to be held at the IIT Madras Research Park.
Priya will be available with her team at the CLIMAFIX Summit, and she will also be part of a huddle around the theme of deep tech in climate tech. Welcome, Priya, to the summit – and I’m confident that many startups and delegates will benefit from your insights and perspectives.
More about the CLIMAFIX Summit 2022 from here –
The Sustainability Mafia – Ganesh Shankar
See my LinkedIn post on this topic