Hello from Team EAI
Here are thoughts, insights, perspectives and opinions from the consulting & research team members at EAI (Energy Alternatives India) - a clean-energy and climatetech-focussed management consulting firm. More about us and our services from www.eai.in
We will be glad to hear your feedback on our blog, or about any assistance you may have for the Indian climate tech sector. You can contact us from here
All the best.
August 11, 2012 by Team EAI
British industries from boat-building to concrete, and electric cabling to gearbox manufacturing are in the line-up to benefit from the construction of thousands of offshore wind turbines, if new plans go ahead. A group representing the UK's offshore wind industry on Monday adopted a target of ensuring that more than...
August 11, 2012 by Team EAI
I was reading a news article on Gamesa from Feb 2012 in which its CMD had said that the wind turbine maker was shifting its attention to moderate and low wind sites. This shouldn't exactly be a surprise, given that we are running out of sites with high wind speeds,...
August 11, 2012 by Team EAI
Researchers have designed a new solar power module that uses a curved mirror to focus sunlight onto a 5-inch glass ball that then spreads the light evenly across a solar panel, leading to twice the power output of traditional solar panels when combined with high-efficiency solar cells. The design was...
August 11, 2012 by Team EAI
According to reports, California now gets about 5 percent of its electricity from wind power. The majority of California's electricity - 42 percent - comes from natural gas, followed by nuclear power and hydropower. According to 2010 figures from the California Energy Commission, wind made up 4.7 percent of the...
August 11, 2012 by Team EAI
Read recently that Scotland's First Minister, Alex Salmond has welcomed a blueprint to streamline the scoping, planning and consenting of offshore wind, wave and tidal developments. The task force recommendations include: Creating a national database of survey data, with information from DECC, The Crown Estate and, at the appropriate time,...
August 11, 2012 by Team EAI
Even as they become more common, small-scale wind turbines remain a source of dispute in the renewable energy community, says this article. And I completely agree. Every second day, someone asks me if he or she should put up a small wind turbine on their rooftop. And my short answer...
August 11, 2012 by Team EAI
EAI has launched the EAI Volunteer Experts Program. As part of EAI’s efforts for catalyzing cleantech activities, we are forming an expert panel of volunteers. This expert panel will comprise industry professionals and others with specific skills and knowledge in the renewable energy and cleantech domains. Objective of the Volunteer...
August 11, 2012 by Team EAI
EAI recently launched EAI Cleantech Ambassador Program. The program provides a unique opportunity for school students, college students and seniors to make critical contributions to making India green and earning wide recognition for their efforts. EAI School Ambassadors This group will comprise exceptional school students who are willing to contribute...
August 11, 2012 by Team EAI
Wow! This is some real cool news. D'Light Solar Lanterns will be available in all head post offices in the city from 16 August. Customers can also avail the service using e-payment facility. India Post has been selling lanterns through identified rural post offices in the Chennai city region on...
August 11, 2012 by Team EAI
The Indian Oil Corporation Ltd has urged its dealers to run petrol pumps on solar energy as part of a nationwide green initiative. The oil company had recently organized a seminar-cum-demonstration on solar based energy solutions followed by a pilot demonstration at a company-owned company-operated petrol station in Pune. Nearly...