February 23, 2011 by Team EAI
The details of the first day of the conference is available here. The second day of the The 3rd International Expo and Summit, Renewtech India 2011 conference started with a speech by Mr. D.C. Bhishikar, Managing Director, Clarke Energy India. The topic was “Application of Gas Generated from Waste Treatment...
February 23, 2011 by Team EAI
The 3rd International Expo and Summit, Renewtech India 2011 took place at the Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai during the period 17-19 February 2011. The Expo had about 30 Exhibitors representing different stakeholders in the industry. There were players from the Solar PV component manufacturers( Yingli, Websol), Solar Thermal component manufacturers(Soltigua),...
February 19, 2011 by Team EAI
There are seven steps involved in designing a successful captive solar PV installation Scoping of the project Calculating the amount of solar energy available Surveying the site Calculating the amount of energy needed Sizing the solar system Component selection and costing Detailed design As with any project, you need to...
February 14, 2011 by Team EAI
Biomass based power generation is a choice of reality under the geographical regions where a sustainability exists in the flow of biologically raw materials for the production of power and India is one of the most notable universal giants for the production of biomass based power which can be best...
February 6, 2011 by Team EAI
Steps involved in setting up a hybrid system deserve extra attention because of its importance or uniqueness. The key factors to be determined are The load mix between PV and generator, The size and type of generator, and The battery size. The sizing method assumes that a stand-alone PV system...
February 6, 2011 by Team EAI
Increasing demand from industrial consumers, who are suffering from inadequate power supply and high tariff rate charged by State Electricity Boards (SEBs), find captive generation as the best alternative for meeting their demand. As a result, Captive Power Plant (CPP) capacity grew at a CAGR of 5% during the period...
February 3, 2011 by Team EAI
The first EAI Club Meet of 2011 was held last week (31st January). This edition of the meet was quite different from the past Club Meets and had many firsts. The meet for the first time was held at a new place, Integree Projects Limited, Nungambakkam. Integree is one of...
January 30, 2011 by Team EAI
A hybrid remote power system combines two energy sources; the sun and a diesel generator (genset), and uses intelligent controls to manage the system operation. PV Hybrid systems generally use diesel generating set (genset)-capable of providing full rated power on demand as the second energy source. Beneficial in terms of...
January 20, 2011 by Team EAI
Once an entrepreneur has decided to set up a solar captive power plant, he has to tread carefully planning each step forward. The first step would be local assessment to calculate the system capacity. This would be succeeded by prefeasibility studies to analyze system capacity and structuring, climatic parameters, stability...
January 18, 2011 by Team EAI
While we are striving hard to switch to more sustainable modes of living, there arise lots of issues questioning the efficiency of our choice of green. Despite all the issues they might have, they have more benefits than their petroleum counterpart. After all, petroleum is not going be here forever....