November 30, 2009 by Team EAI
Panelling made from plastic waste, wood recycled from old ships, carpets of recycled plastic and CO2 monitors that regulate the proportion of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the room. These are just a handful of things you are likely to encounter if you walk into the ITC Green Centre in...
November 30, 2009 by Team EAI
It was a who’s who of green corporates at the ‘4th Sustainability Summit: Asia 2009’ in the capital last week. Twenty-one companies bagged the Sustainability Awards 2009 in different categories handed over by environment and forests minister Jairam Ramesh. Speaking on the occasion, Ramesh said that the government is keen...
November 30, 2009 by Team EAI
Leading up to President Obama welcoming India Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for the first official State Dinner of his presidency at the White House, The Bay Area Council Economic Institute yesterday released its new report, "Global Reach: Emerging Ties Between the San Francisco Bay Area and India."With a fast-growing population...
November 30, 2009 by Team EAI
We must retrofit our corporate, globalized food system to produce healthful food for local communities. But where do we start? Last year, the author spent some time in India, and in this country – which is stereotyped by the Western world as starving and impoverished – discovered a traditional food...
November 30, 2009 by Team EAI
The humble charka is set to make a contribution in the fight against global warming as well.Even as the world is set to debate carbon emission cuts at Copenhagen, the Mahatma Gandhi Institute for Rural Industrialisation (MGIRI) at Wardha has developed a unique device - a solar charkha. MGIRI also...
November 29, 2009 by Team EAI
1 MW photovoltaic plant using Suniva's technology comes online as Indian officials approve target for 20 GW of installed capacity by 2020.India-based Titan Energy Worldwide (OTCBB:TEWI) is now feeding energy to India's electric grid from a 1-megawatt solar photovoltaic farm in Jamuria, West Bengal—one of the largest solar projects in...
November 29, 2009 by Team EAI
If things move in right direction, Rajasthan is set to bask in the sunshine. The desert state is likely to attract an investment of Rs 45000 crore in the solar energy sector.Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation chairman and managing director Naresh Pal Gangwar told ET that 72 power companies have registered...
November 29, 2009 by Team EAI
The Indian government is planning to double wind power- generation capacity to over 20,000 MW by 2022 or triple it from the present 10,500 MW to promote the use of renewable resources, say media reports.The current installed power capacity from renewable sources of energy is around 13,300 MW.Source
November 29, 2009 by Team EAI
An MoU for conducting feasibility study as well as preparation of DPR for establishment of 5 MW Solar Power Plant (SPP) in south Andaman and 1 MW Solar Power Plant in middle Andaman was signed between the National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) and the A&N administration recently.The renewable energy sources...
November 29, 2009 by Team EAI
According to the Energy Information Administration’s 2009 International Energy Outlook, India’s use of coal for electricity is projected to grow by 1.9 percent per year to 9.3 quadrillion Btu in 2030, as an additional 65 gigawatts of coal-generated capacity is brought online.This growth is essential to India’s rapidly developing economy...