EAI’s consulting team can assist your firm in benefitting from the fast growing green hydrogen market in India through a comprehensive understanding of the sector on the following dimensions:
Green Hydrogen Producers & Supply Chain. - Firms keen to invest in one or more components of the green hydrogen production & distribution value chain - solar power plant developers, electrolyzer makers, logistics providers for green hydrogen
Green End Users - Firms interested in using green hydrogen for their business - these include companies that are keen to reduce the carbon footprint and emissions of their operations / manufacturing
Automotive firms - Firms in the automotive sector keen on exploring hydrogen-based mobility - this set includes both OEMs keen on making green hydrogen vehicles as well as logistics firms running automotive fleets keen to explore use of hydrogen based vehicles
Obtaining exceptional clarity on critical business dimensions for green hydrogen opportunity pan-India or in specific regions / states.
Clarity on the end use/applications of green hydrogen
Identify & engage with relevant tech & value chain partners
Understand government policies & roadmaps
Identify & engage with execution enablers - specifically, green finance entities and EPCs among others
Understand the overall ecosystem & market - Getting to know the real state of affairs in the ecosystem
Facilitate partnerships - Actively seek partnerships who can significantly complement the client’s strengths
Accelerate pilot deployment - Lay the foundation for pilot deployment which could happen post this assignment
Before any significant investments of time, efforts & money are made, it will be valuable for the client to have clarity on the real state of affairs of the green hydrogen ecosystem on the dimensions listed in this section.
As partnerships along the entire value chain of green hydrogen are the key for success, specific efforts will be directed towards identifying and interacting with prospective partners. Such identification and interactions will most times run in parallel with the Ecosystem Understanding section, and some of the interactions thus have the potential to both provide market intelligence as well lead to prospective partnerships.
A good portion of this component will be executed while completing the earlier component, viz., Ecosystem Understanding
In some cases, clients could require our assistance in identifying pilot customers.
For such clients, we can explore the following for specific stakeholder segments:
During select end use prospect interactions, emphasise the client’s interest in undertaking a pilot study in order to identify those prospects that the client can start focussing on right at this stage. For prospects that show an interest in exploring a pilot, we will ensure that we have much deeper interactions right in this stage.
From among the many stakeholders identified across the value chain (electrolyzer & green hydrogen producers, logistics providers etc.), identify those who can be pilot support stakeholders based on specific criteria, so that the client can start exploratory discussions with them right away
Identify key contacts within support provider groups such as multilateral financial agencies, government agencies (especially central govt agencies as they are more likely to have well defined support instruments at this early stage) that could be interested in financial and related support for the pilot deployment. Depending on the nature and profiles of the contacts identified, the client can decide whether to initiate discussions for the pilot immediately or do it post this assignment when there is higher clarity about the overall ecosystem.
1. Market intelligence
2. Supply chain intelligence
3. Economic intelligence
4. Policy intelligence
5. Partner identification
6. Innovation trends
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India Green Hydrogen Innovations & Startups
Electrolyzer Startup - Affordable Green Hydrogen Production
Fuel Cell Startup - Hydrogen Fuel Cells for Heavy Vehicle
EAI has had the fortune to assist some of the world’s top companies in their cleantech efforts. Some of the prominent companies and organizations we have assisted in cleantech consulting include