$items = FetchXmlNode(‘item’, $content, true);
$numbershown = 1;
$mycontent = ‘
foreach ($items as $itempos => $item) {
if ($numbershown > NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES_TO_SHOW) {
$title = FetchXmlNode(‘title’, $item);
$link = FetchXmlNode(‘link’, $item);
$author = FetchXmlNode(‘author’, $item);
$postdate = FetchXmlNode(‘pubdate’, $item);
$postdate = date(‘d-m-Y’, strtotime($postdate ));;
$postcontent = urldecode(FetchXmlNode(‘content’, $item));
$post = ”;
preg_match(‘%<\!\[cdata\[(.*?)\]\]>%is’, $postcontent, $match);
if (!empty($match)) {
$post = $match[1];
$shortpost = GetShortPost($post);
$mycontent .= ‘
$mycontent .= ‘
echo $mycontent;
* GetShortPost
* Based on the content passed in, it returns a shortened/trimmed down version of that content.
* If the content is shorter than the length specified at the top, nothing is trimmed down.
* If it is longer than the length specified, then it’s trimmed to a max of that length.
* @param String $content The content to trim down to a particular length.
* @return String Returns the trimmed down version of the content.
function GetShortPost($content=”)
$content = trim($content);
$post = str_replace(“\r”, “\n”, $content);
$post = str_replace(“\n”, “”, $post);
if (strlen($post) > MAX_POST_LENGTH) {
$shortpost = substr($post, 0, MAX_POST_LENGTH);
if (substr($shortpost, -3, 3) != ‘…’) {
$shortpost .= ‘…’;
} else {
$shortpost = $post;
return $shortpost;
* TimeDifference
* Works out the relative difference between when an item was posted and now.
* Eg turns 125 seconds into 2 minutes, 5 seconds.
* If the difference is longer than a week, it’s just returned as a properly formatted date (d-M-Y)
* @param Int $posttime The time the item was posted
* @param Int $timenow The time now
* @return String Returns the relative time difference as a string (eg ‘2 minutes, 5 seconds’).
function TimeDifference($posttime, $timenow)
$difference = $timenow – $posttime;
if ($difference < ONE_MINUTE) {
$timechange = number_format($difference, 0) . ' second';
if ($difference > 1) {
$timechange .= ‘s’;
if ($difference > ONE_MINUTE && $difference < ONE_HOUR) {
$num_mins = floor($difference / ONE_MINUTE);
$timechange = number_format($num_mins, 0) . ' minute';
if ($num_mins > 1) {
$timechange .= ‘s’;
if ($difference >= ONE_HOUR && $difference < ONE_DAY) {
$hours = floor($difference/ONE_HOUR);
$mins = floor($difference % ONE_HOUR) / ONE_MINUTE;
$timechange = number_format($hours, 0) . ' hour';
if ($hours > 1) {
$timechange .= ‘s’;
$timechange .= ‘, ‘ . number_format($mins, 0) . ‘ minute’;
if ($mins > 1) {
$timechange .= ‘s’;
if ($difference >= ONE_DAY && $difference < ONE_WEEK) {
$days = floor($difference / ONE_DAY);
$timechange = number_format($days, 0) . ' day';
if ($days > 1) {
$timechange .= ‘s’;
if ($difference >= ONE_WEEK) {
return date(‘d-M-Y’, $posttime);
$timechange .= ‘ ago’;
return $timechange;
* FetchXmlNode
* Looks for a node based on the name of the node you’re looking for and the xml passed in.
* Either returns a particular node (if you’re looking for one) or all of those nodes if you’re looking for all.
* @param String $node The name of the ‘node’ you’re looking for.
* @param String $xml The xml you’re looking for the node in.
* @param Boolean $all Whether you are looking for all nodes in a tree or just one particular node.
* @return False|Array Returns false if the node is not found in the xml, otherwise returns the array of items for that node.
function FetchXmlNode($node=”, $xml=”, $all=false)
if ($node == ”) {
return false;
if ($all) {
preg_match_all(‘%<('.$node.'[^>]*)>(.*?)%is’, $xml, $matches);
} else {
preg_match(‘%<('.$node.'[^>]*)>(.*?)%is’, $xml, $matches);
if (!isset($matches[2])) {
return false;
return $matches[2];
* GetContent
* Gets the content from the XML_URL defined at the top and returns it as a string.
* Tries to use curl (if it’s available) or fopen (if curl isn’t available).
* If neither are available, echos an error message and then dies.
* @see XML_URL
* @return String|Void Returns the page content if it can fetch it, otherwise shows an error and dies.
function GetContent()
if (function_exists(‘curl_init’)) {
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);
$pagedata = curl_exec($ch);
if (!$pagedata) {
$error = curl_error($ch);
if (!$pagedata) {
echo “Error: ” . $error . “
$pagedata = trim($pagedata);
return $pagedata;
if (ini_get(‘allow_url_fopen’)) {
if (!$fp = fopen($url, ‘r’)) {
echo ‘Unable to open url, aborting.
$pagedata = ”;
while (!feof($fp)) {
$pagedata .= fread($fp, 1024);
$pagedata = trim($pagedata);
return $pagedata;
echo ‘Your server does not support curl or have allow_url_fopen switched on. Unfortunately we cannot get content without either of these options being available. Please speak to your administrator.