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EAI’s Futuron Awards | India Renewable Energy Consulting – Solar, Biomass, Wind, Cleantech
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EAI’s Futuron Awards

Here at EAI, we strongly believe unsung heroes must be sung about.

We believe that innovations should be adopted and innovators be lauded.

The EAI Futuron Awards has been instituted to salute the inventors and innovators in sustainability and cleantech who are making the biggest difference to India’s sustainability where it matters the most – on the ground, in our homes, offices, fields, and factories.

Benefits for awardees

Award winners will be extensively promoted on EAI’s unmatched sustainability focused media assets.

As India’s leading Cleantech Research and Consulting firm with deep relationships across VCs, PEs, policy makers, developers, manufacturers, and NGOs, EAI can ensure international exposure to you and your solution through

  • EAI Daily – India’s largest and most popular cleantech focused newsletter going out thrice a week with 40,000 subscribers
  • EAI Club – India’s only online community dedicated to renewable energy and cleantech with 15,000 members
  • EAI Site – India’s most popular hub for renewable energy and cleantech professionals and enthusiasts with 5,000 visitors every day

Which Innovations (and Innovators) are recognised?


Any innovation that contributes to sustainable living in India can be submitted, including but not limited to

  • Renewable/Sustainable Energy
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Environmental Remediation
  • Recycling & Resources management
  • Organic & Eco-friendly products
  • Green buildings
  • Sustainable transportation
  • Education/Training
  • Finance & investment
  • Green IT

The awards are presented based on themes that are announced in advance.


Only innovators who meet the following criteria are eligible

  • Any individual or organisation in India with at least one successful pilot project or several customer installations in India
  • Only individuals or organisations with less than 20 employees and less than Rs. 20 crores in turnover

Whether you are a farmer with an invention or a weekend engineer with a new product you will find EAI Futuron to be a platform that can catapult you to the global stage.

Who can nominate?

Inventors/innovators who meet the above criteria can nominate themselves for the awards. NGOs/activists can nominate any individual or organisation (with their consent) that they feel deserves to be recognised.

How do I nominate?

Please nominate by filling in the form available here and emailing it to futuron@eai.in.

Nominations are currently open for October-December 2013 (which will be awarded in January 2014) under the theme ‘Renewable/Sustainable Energy’. Innovations that do not fall under Renewable/Sustainable Energy will not be considered for the award, at least not for January 2014 (but you are welcome to nominate them again when the theme is relevant to your invention).

No fees are charged for nominations and a company can nominate multiple products/inventions.


The nominated innovations are evaluated on the basis of

  • Impact on sustainability
  • Impact on society
  • Scalability
  • Creativity/Uniqueness
  • Longevity

The decision of the judges is final.

What Should be Your Next Steps?

Access the EAI Futuron nomination/application form found here.

For more details

Please contact Mathu at futuron@eai.in, 044-42173939, for any further information you may require on the awards.

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