India Solar, Wind, Biomass, Biofuels – EAI

Solar Energy Business Opportunities in Manufacturing products, support services and Research

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The opportunities in solar sector are manifold owing to its multi-level value chain. India, under its green initiatives and response to UNFCCC talks, has rolled out Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission under NAPCC. Government of India has also framed out multiple other policies in support of this mission- Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana, Power for All-2012 and Remote Village Electrification Programme – to name a few. As a consequence, the Indian solar energy market- with multiple opportunities along its value chain- has opened its doors worldwide to many players. The transformation of sand to power has proved out to be a highly proactive field for market and technology innovation. The Solar value chain can be listed by identifying various processes involved in this transformation.

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This value chain confronts various processes at each stage and has multiple subsets that can be different from other as marketing or innovating opportunity. These diverse opportunities can be classified into nine groups. The classification is based on homogeneity in functional profiles. The grouping cannot be limited to homogeneity in capital expenditure, market size, level of competition or degree of innovation because it may vary for sub-groups within a group. The nine categories which classify opportunities in solar industry are listed below. Click on each Opportunity to explore more about it:

Research and Development Innovative Ideas Support Services IT and Training implementation Manufacturing of Sub Component Manufacturing of machinery Manufacturing Products Bos for Utilty Grid Manufacturing Core Products Power Plant Developer

Power Plant Developer

This has myriad opportunities in providing support for setting up Solar Power Plant.

Manufacturing Core production


Refining sand to obtain silica


Quartz/Graphite/ceramic crucible, Carbon Felt and Seed Crystal


Saw Wire, Sulphuric/Hydrochloric Acid, Green/Black/Recycled Si-Carbide


Crystalline (Mono/Poly), Thin Film(CdTe,GaAs,CIGS,A-Si), CPV, Al-Ag Paste, Isopropyl alcohol, Ammonia, Phosphorous oxychloride, Sulphuric acid, Hydrochloric Acid, Potassium Hydroxide, Sodium Hydroxide, Silane


Chemical salt preparation, efficiency improvement

Crystalline Module

EVA layer, Low iron Glass, Aluminium , PVF(Tedlar), Lead/Copper/Tin coated copper ribbon, copper wires

Thin Film Module


Ultra clear pattern/TCO coated/AR coated glass, Boron, Cadmium Sulphide,

Alumina, Gallium, Germnium, Indium, Molybdenum, Phosphorous oxychloride, Tellurium, Tin, Diethyl Zinc, Zinc Oxide, Tin Oxide, Hydrochloric/Sulphuric Acid

Manufacturing BoS for utility grid


Inverters, UPS, DC Appliances

Storage Systems

Battery Manufacturing, Charging Control

Tracking System

Single Axis, Dual Axis Tracking

Power System

Wires, Cables, Junction Boxes, Lightning Arresters, Earthing Systems, Transformer, Earthing Equipments, Insulators, Net metering, Circuit Breakers, Capacitors, Switchgears


Phase, Phase Sequence, Voltage, Frequency

Civil Work Structures

Poles, housings, Mounting Structures, Nuts and Bolts etc,

Manufacturing Products

Lighting/Lanterns/Street Lighting/LED Lighting

Solar Water Pumps

Air Heating/ Space


Solar Cookers

Telecommunication power solutions

FPC Collector/ETC Tube Water Heaters. Parabolic Troughs

BIPV Systems

Manufacturing of Machinery



Lifetime analyzer, Vision Inspector, Resistivity Inspector, Material Property Analyzer, Polysilicon tester, Ingot cutting, Grinding, MCZ process, DSS process, CZ equipment, Ingot transportation and storage, Granular Feeder, Acid Water Neutralization cell



Cutting, Saws, Ultrasonic cleaner, Inspectors and Analyzers, Sorter, Counter, Tester, grinder/Polisher, Water Loading, Water separation


Laser/Plasma/Wet Etching, Liquid Gas Flow management, Drying/Firing Furnace,

 Cell sorter, inspector, conveyor

Crystalline Modules

Inspecting/ cleaning/ Tabbing, Stringing, Framing, Flux Furnace

Thin Film Modules

Plasma Etching, Cleaning, Scribing, Coating

Testing Equipments

HV test, Full Load test (Resistive load), Heat Run (running for rated no of hours)


HVDC Evacuation Systems

Manufacturing of Subcomponents

Power Semiconductor Devices

Diodes, IGBT, Inductors, Filters, Choppers

Inverter Subcomponents

PCB, Soldering, Etching, Flash Memory Data card

Control and Monitoring

RFID Reader, RFID Generator, GPS, Ethernet slots

Support Services for information and training

Human Resource Development and Recruitment Training Programmes

IT Services like SCADA programs, PLC Manufacturing (Ladder Programming), Forecast Tools, Six-Sigma Manufacturing, Digital Energy Meters, Microprocessor Programming

Operation and Maintenance Support

Implementation Support

EPCs, Site Analysis, Real Estate- Land Acquisition

Technical Advisor, Engineering Drawing and Documentation

Policy Advisors

System Integrators

R&D and Explorative

Solar-Biomass-wind Hybrid

Standards Agencies: specifying standards

R & D Innovative Ideas

Solar Wind biomass hybrid

Standardising Agencies : Specifying Standards of Products, Machines and Designs

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Solar PV Diversification Strategy for an Indian Multinational

EAI provided strategic consulting to a leading company in India to help them diversify into the solar module manufacturing market with a view to attain global leadership positions in 5-7 years.
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