All data for 2023.
Total GHG Emissions for India (CO2eq): 3.4 billion tons.
Total Paper Industry Emissions:
- Total emissions: 35 million tons (CO2eq)
- Proportion of total GHG emissions: approx 1%
How did I arrive at this estimate? Please see the Support Data section for this.
Hope this is useful.
If you have queries on this, please send a note to and I will try my best to help! – Narsi, EAI
Support data and other highlights
India’s CO2 emissions from the paper industry were about 30 million tons in 2019. India’s paper industry has been growing at a healthy 7-8% CAGR past few years, and assuming that energy efficiency measures in the paper sector could have cut down some emissions during this period, we take a 5% annual growth in CO2 emissions from the paper industry, so that would be 30*(1.05)^4, or about 36 billion tons.
1% –