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Eight Lessons from CleanTech 1.0 for Today's Climate Tech Boom

Environmental Services | Digital for Decarbonization | Big Industry Trends

CleanTech 1.0 (2006-2011) saw $25 billion invested but over 50% losses by 2015. Notable failures include Solyndra and KiOR. ClimateTech 2.0 is witnessing a resurgence with $100 billion recently invested across various sectors, building on past advancements.

Lessons Learned:

  • Economic Focus: Prioritize economic returns over altruism; successful technologies need competitive pricing.
  • Innovative Business Models: Develop models that ease adoption in traditional industries.
  • Regulatory Support: Utilize government policies for market advantages.
  • Supply Chain Strategy: Ensure resilience against potential disruptions.
  • Strategic Investments: Focus on engineering over pure science and prepare for longer investment horizons.
  • Data and Software: Use advanced data collection and software to enhance operational efficiencies and asset management.

With better capital availability and strategic insights, ClimateTech 2.0 is set to surpass the initial wave, leveraging lessons from the past to foster sustainable growth.

Decarb Avenues

  • Digital for Decarbonization


  • Investments
  • Opportunities
  • Big Industry Trends


  • Corporate Leaders
  • Investors