Net Zero by Narsi - Decarbonization, Climate Action Insights from Narasimhan Santhanam, EAI
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Net Zero by Narsi is a series of brief posts by Narasimhan Santhanam (Narsi), Director, EAI.

Posts themed around specific decarbonization and climate action insights, and based on learnings Narsi and his team had over 15 years of consulting.

Narsi has been at the forefront of India's climate tech solutions for well over a decade, assisting senior leaders from corporates, government, and financial investing community.

He is an MBA from IIM Calcutta and BTech from IIT Madras.

More about Narsi

Skyshade – Using Sunlight Direct for Lighting

February 1, 2014

A recent article in Business Line about its product brought back to my memory Skyshade, an interesting Hyderabad-based company. Skyshade provides sustainable lighting solutions using...

Biopolymers and Bioplastics – A Disruptive Business Opportunity in India and Worldwide?

January 29, 2014

I have been watching the bioplastics and biopolymers market with great interest last few years. And I am sure I am not alone. Plastics has...

Qualities Needed in a Cleantech Entrepreneur

December 26, 2013

Does an entrepreneur venturing into cleantech / sustainability need to have qualities for success that are different from those required for other industries? If yes,...

Are Green Sectors Indeed Blue?

December 26, 2013

I get a number of people calling me almost on a regular basis with stars in their eyes - they want to start a business...

Substituting Diesel with Rooftop Solar PV – Economics and Costs

December 10, 2013

=========================================== Are you looking to get energy security for your company through reduction in the use of diesel, furnace oil, LPG and costly grid power?...

Replacing Diesel Gensets with Solar on Rooftops – Something Really Worth Exploring for Indian Industry

December 10, 2013

=========================================== Are you looking to get energy security for your company through reduction in the use of diesel, furnace oil, LPG and costly grid power?...

Cleantech Innovation – Learning from the Proximity of Silicon Valley Ecosystem

November 27, 2013

I was in Silicon Valley last one week, and my cousin was kind enough to take me on a whirlwind tour of the silicon valley...

Algae fuels – the holy grail of biofuels

November 23, 2013

For those of us who had been looking at the biofuel industry for almost a decade, algae appeared (and still does) like the knight in...

Algae Wastewater Treatment

November 23, 2013

Water is touted by many as the new oil. Well, you know what, we might be able to just about live without oil, but we...

Castor oil – oil that could be big part of future

November 23, 2013

If I told you I am gonna talk a fascinating oil, the last oil you would think of would be castor oil. But that is...

Diesel to solar – Solar PV an ideal solution for Industrial Rooftops in India

November 23, 2013

=========================================== Are you looking to get energy security for your company through reduction in the use of diesel, furnace oil, LPG and costly grid power?...

EAI Launches Suseum – The Sustainability Museum

November 19, 2013

When all is said and done, more is said than done when it comes to sustainability. Why are we at this state of affairs despite...

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