Climate Solution Finder - CSF - is EAI's specialized division that assists Indian companies keen on identifying and evaluating climate tech solutions.
CSF also benefits solution providers as it provides them better reach to prospective customers.
CSF is relevant today because many domains within climate tech are entirely new and prospective end users have little information and intelligence on the solutions available. Prospective customers also have challenges identifying and evaluating good quality vendors.
CSF, using EAI's knowledge of the sector along with the expertise of its technical partner network, will help those keen on implementing climate tech solutions to identify suitable and high-quality vendors.
This solution will also assist vendors providing high-quality solutions in benefitting the market better, faster.
This section of EAI's CSF is for Hazardous waste management
Collection and Transportation Equipment - Drums, bulk containers, sorting and transporting
Protective Equipment - Chemical-resistance gloves etc, showers, eye wash stations etc.
Storage and Handling Equipment - Engineered with ventilation, fire suppression etc, prevent environmental contamination
Treatment and Processing Equipment - Designed for high-temperature combustion, to sterilize biomedical waste, alkaline wastes by adjusting pH levels etc.
Waste Minimization, Recycling and Disposal Equipment - Reduce the volume of solid hazardous waste, Prevent ground and water pollution
Collection and Transportation Equipment
Protective Equipment
Storage and Handling Equipment
Treatment and Processing Equipment
Monitoring and Safety Equipment
Waste Minimization and Recycling Equipment
Disposal Equipment
Documentation and Tracking Systems
CSF from EAI provides the following benefits to Hazardous waste management Equipment and solution buyers, AT NO COST:
CSF from EAI provides the following benefits to Hazardous waste management solution and equipment providers: