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Connecting climate solutions with industries

Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency Solution Procurement Assistance - EAI

Climate Solution Finder - CSF - is EAI's specialized division that assists Indian companies keen on identifying and evaluating climate tech solutions.

CSF also benefits solution providers as it provides them better reach to prospective customers.

CSF is relevant today because many domains within climate tech are entirely new and prospective end users have little information and intelligence on the solutions available. Prospective customers also have challenges identifying and evaluating good quality vendors.

CSF, using EAI's knowledge of the sector along with the expertise of its technical partner network, will help those keen on implementing climate tech solutions to identify suitable and high-quality vendors.

This solution will also assist vendors providing high-quality solutions in benefitting the market better, faster.

This section of EAI's CSF is for Energy Efficiency Solutions

Decarbonization avenues

  • Energy Efficient Buildings
  • Energy Efficient Industrial Equipment
  • Heat Pumps
  • Smart Grids
  • Energy Efficiency Solutions

    The market for renewable energy in India predominantly comprises the following segments:

    • Energy Efficient Buildings
    • Industrial Waste Heat Recovery
    • Low Carbon Thermal Power
    • Energy Efficient Industrial Equipment
    • Smart Grids
    • Heat Pumps
    • Digital for Decarbonization

    Specific Tech Equipments

    The market for renewable energy in India predominantly comprises the following segments:

    • Energy Efficient Buildings - HVAC equipment, Lighting equipment, Energy efficient building materials, Digital solutions for building energy efficiency
    • Industrial Waste Heat Recovery - Waste heat recovery from boilers, Cogeneration equipment, Low temperature waste heat recovery, heat pumps
    • Low Carbon Thermal Power
    • Energy Efficient Industrial Equipment
    • Smart Grids
    • Heat Pumps
    • Digital for Decarbonization

    Benefits for Energy Efficiency Project Developers and Industries

    CSF from EAI provides the following benefits to energy efficiency equipment and solution buyers, AT NO COST:

    • Providing any additional support to the  buyer for inputs or details about the solution & equipment and also alternatives available
    • Identifying and shortlisting equipment and solution providers based on buyer requirement
    • Providing additional inputs or intelligence about the vendors based on buyer needs
    • Coordinating first stage engagement between buyer and equipment / solution provider 

    Benefits For Energy Efficiency Solution and Equipment Providers

    CSF from EAI provides the following benefits to energy efficiency solution and equipment providers:

    • Provide them with market intelligence on the demand trends from their relevant end-user market segments
    • Assist them with insights that can improve their marketing and business strategies for their solutions
    • Provide them with qualified business leads from prospective customers - project developers, EPCs, end use industries etc.
    • Coordinating engagement with prospective buyers of their solutions. 

    Interested in taking our help?

    Talk to Muthu

    +91 9952910083

    Other CSF sectors

    Renewable Energy Energy Storage Electric Vehicle Waste Management Agriculture & Food Water Low Carbon Materials GHG Management