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Virya Paramita

Wave-Powered Desalination Unit for the Indian coastal locat...

Hydro Power

Sub Topics

  • Large hydro power improvement dimensions

    • Increasing efficiency

    • Hydro power reservoir management

    • Combining hydro power with solar through floating solar panels

    • Mitigating wildlife impacts

    • Reducing impact on forests and agricultural lands

    • Reducing impacts on river water

    • Reducing impacts of hydropower plants and dams on aquatic habitats

    • Reducing geological impacts 

    • Reducing community & social impacts

    • Minimizing local flooding from dam overflow

    • Mitigating land use challenges

  • Small & micro hydro

    • Run of river hydro

    • Hydrokinetics

    • Increasing efficiency of small hydro & run of river power plants

    • Low-head hydro power

  • Ocean based hydro power

    • Wave power

    • Tidal power

  • Economics

    • Large hydro

    • Small hydro

    • Micro hydro

    • Hydro kinetics

  • Retrofitting dams and reservoirs for hydro power generation

  • Efficient hydro power plant turbines

  • Efficient hydro power plant generators






  • Effective O&M

    • Monitoring, analytics & control

    • Forecasting & scheduling of hydro power

    • Use of IT & digital solutions for efficiency

  • Storage

    • Pumped hydro storage

  • Training & capacity buildin

  • Collaboration

    • With research & academia

    • With society

    • With other renewable energy industries 

      • Solar power

      • Wind power

      • Biomass

  • Financing of hydro power plants

  • Challenges

    • Societal challenges

    • Overcoming long lead times for projects

  • Geographical trends & policies

    • North America

    • South America

    • Asia

    • Europe

    • Middle East & Africa

    • Australia