Can you digitize food quality? And can it reduce food waste?
That’s precisely what the startup Intello Labs is attempting to do.
Globally, about 35% of food produced on average is wasted - colossal.
But there is a twist
In developed economies, most of the food waste happens after the food reaches the shelves - basically, poor habits.
In developing countries, most of the food waste happens post harvest and before the food reaches the shelves - a combination of logistical inefficiencies and poor information availability.
Intello Labs tackles the latter challenge for India. By providing an online platform connects farmers with traders and user markets, and importantly, by using AI to automatically assess the quality of the produce, the startup aims to smoothen the flow and consumption of good produce while also getting more money into the farmers’ hands - all these hopefully at scale.
Team EAI wishes Intello Labs the very best!