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Market & Feasibility Research Assistance on Cleantech Products & Solutions - India Renewable Energy Consulting – Solar, Biomass, Wind, Cleantech
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Market & Feasibility Research Assistance on Cleantech

From EAI, a leader in renewable energy/cleantech research & consulting

Cleantech Industry

Cleantech, standing for clean technologies, is perhaps the most important industry in the world today, and yet few people have heard about the term.

Cleantech is an umbrella term referring to green and clean technologies. The sector includes clean energy and clean environment sectors such as solar, wind, biofuels, green chemicals, and more. The development of clean technology is touted as one of the most effective ways to tackle climate change and other environmental issues.

Cleantech reduces emissions, optimizes the consumption of natural resources and results in a cleaner, safer and more sustainable environment. Today we see global investments in clean technology based products and solutions continue to grow. An enabling regulatory and technology environment along with decreasing costs have been the key drivers for attracting major investments in this sector.

A large no. of companies, in a wide variety of industries, deliver cleantech products or solutions as at least a part of their total offerings today, but the actual revenues and red flags in each of the offerings is difficult to be ascertained by a layman. One needs to deep dive into the domain pertaining to the solution or product and do a fact-check on returns and costs before final investment decisions are made.


If you are an investor or a key stakeholder keen on getting an expert market and feasibility study done for specific cleantech areas, whom can you approach?

This is where EAI’s Market Research Assistance on Cleantech comes in.

So, if you are looking to outsource customized research on Cleantech,

talk to EAI at consult@eai.in or Call Muthu @ +91 9952910083

Clean Energy and Cleantech Domains We Can Provide Market Research Assistance in


Who will Benefit from Our Market Research?

EAI can provide custom research on Cleantech for the following stakeholders:

  • Stakeholders in the Clean Energy/ Cleantech Sector
    • Developers / Investors in Cleantech
    • OEMs for the Technology Solutions/Products
  • Organisations and Authorities
    • Federal & State Governments
    • Environmental Organizations
    • NGOs
    • Academia & Research Institutions

Through our custom research on Cleantech, we can provide information that include:

  • Prefeasibility studies (technical and financial pre-feasibility) that can aid primary decision making for investors
  • Government mandates and regulatory frameworks
  • Current and emerging research trends in specific products/solutions

Specifically, our custom research can cover the following dimensions:

  • Market Dynamics
  • Regulatory Framework, Government Mandates & Incentives
  • Production Economics
  • Company Profiles, By Technology Type

Why EAI for Market Research?

How many firms can claim they have provided strategic assistance for multiple clients in the clean energy domain for almost a decade?

EAI is one of the very few in the world!

EAI is your ideal partner for market research on cleantech because:

  • We understand the cleantech domain very well – we have been operating in cleantech domains like solar,waste to energy, bio-energy and more for over 10 years!
  • With its focus and prior work in cleantech, EAI has an excellent understanding of all the strategic steps that can assist businesses/stakeholders in making the optimal investment decisions
  • We can provide high quality market and business research assistance at a much lower cost than larger, horizontal research firms
  • We are based out of India, a country known for its mature information and research outsourcing capabilities, and with a skilled workforce excellent in English

So, if you are looking to outsource customized research on Cleantech,

talk to EAI at consult@eai.in or Call Muthu @ +91 9952910083


Some of our acclaimed reports and whitepapers in the algae domain


EAI’s Consulting Assistance in the Cleantech Domain

  • Provided consulting assistance in diverse renewable energy & sustainability sectors spreading across Biomass, Biofuels, Sustainable Materials, Solar and Wind
  • Has a client portfolio of 200+ companies, including top of the heap entities such as GE, Vedanta, World Bank, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, GSK & more.
  • Strong team with diverse cleantech domain expertise and educational backgrounds from the top-tier institutes of India and abroad

EAI’s Research & Reports

  • Our cleantech research reports have been used by over 2,500 prominent companies worldwide, including more than half in the Fortune 100 alone!
  • Benefitted over 100,000 cleantech industry professionals and stakeholders in the past decade through our whitepapers and events.

So, if you are looking to outsource customized research on Cleantech, you should be talking to us.

Send a note to consult@eai.in or Call Muthu @ +91 9952910083