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Opportunities for Small Indian Entrepreneurs in Solar Energy - India Renewable Energy Consulting – Solar, Biomass, Wind, Cleantech
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In the past two days alone, four entrepreneurs called from different parts of the country enquiring what types of opportunities were available to them in the fast unfolding solar energy industry in India.

I need to mention that none of these folks was looking at putting up solar power plants – they knew that that was way beyond their budgets – but were keen on exploring other opportunities in solar energy for small businesses and entrepreneurs. To give you an idea of how small, they were looking at investing less than Rs 1 crore into the business.

I will be meeting them over the next one week and understanding their motivation and plan. I’ll provide an update in this blog on how the meeting went and what were the take-aways. In the meantime, I’d recommend others who have similar questions to read this interesting document – The Solar PV Landscape in India

About Narasimhan Santhanam (Narsi)

Narsi, a Director at EAI, Co-founded one of India's first climate tech consulting firm in 2008.

Since then, he has assisted over 250 Indian and International firms, across many climate tech domain Solar, Bio-energy, Green hydrogen, E-Mobility, Green Chemicals.

Narsi works closely with senior and top management corporates and helps then devise strategy and go-to-market plans to benefit from the fast growing Indian Climate tech market.


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