The central government has cleared a Rs. 8.39 crore project in a bid to light up all the streets, government offices, a few hotels and motor stands and some other important places of this capital city, and also the 251 remote hamlets of Tripura – with solar energy.
Science, Technology and Environment minister Joy Gobinda Debroy said the Centre had declared to make Agartala a ‘Solar city’ along with other 60 towns of the country.
He said a central team would conduct a survey soon to asses the quantum of lights needed for electrification through solar energy and 90 per cent of the project cost would be borne by the Centre and the rest by the state government.
Tripura Renewable Energy Development Agency (TREDA) had sent 22 projects to the Centre for approval of which 11 were approved, Debroy said adding 46 villages, mostly in remote and tribal hamlets are now illuminated by the solar energy.
Net Zero by Narsi
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