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Business Opportunities in Waste to Energy Sector

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Business opportunities are present in every component of the waste to energy value chain. The varied business opportunities that exist along the MSW to energy value chain has been discussed below: 

MSW to Energy Value Chain

          Business Opportunities

Primary collection and segregation of inerts, dry organics and others.

  • Collection of reusable plastics and metals etc for sale in local market.
  • Waste Processing and sell RDF pellets to biomass power plants.
  • Mobilizing construction debris to make tiles and bricks

Separation of wet organic wastes

  • Production and sale compost to bio fertilizer firms.
  • Biogas based power generation from sludge for selling it to the grid.

Secondary collection and  storage

  • Maintenance of transfer stations
  • High throughput screening of materials for recycling, energy recovery and land fill disposals.

Recycling of wastes

  • Recyclable commodity transactions from transfer stations
  • Sale of recycled plastic or metal granules
  • Conversion of processed wastes to industrial commodities

Transportation and logistics

  • Transporting solid waste from the source to the landfill or to the processing centers for energy recovery.
  • Revenues from automobile manufacturing and sales to corporate bodies and contract holders etc

MSW to energy recovery

  • Production of machineries and equipments for energy recovery technologies
  • Decentralized technology installations.
  • Power generation and sale of power
  • Production and sale of processed organic feed stocks from MSW
  • Income from Certified Emission Reductions(CER’s)

Management of wastes at dumpsite

  • Design and construction of secured landfills
  • Urban landscape development at abandoned landfills


for service and value

chain enterprises

  • Debt and equity financing

 Owning and Operating Solid Waste Management Facilities

Indian government actively promotes the private sector participation in MSW value chain through development of defined business models on contract term basis. The various business opportunities and models for private sector participation in Indian MSW value chain are summarized in the following table.

Operations in MSW

Business Model

Average tenure of the project (years)

Collection, transportation and cleaning

MC/Service contract/BOOT*


Development of transfer station and transportation



Waste processing facility to derive energy



Development of sanitary landfills  and post closure maintenance



Integrated MSW Management

Mostly on BOOT

20- 30 (Some  project tenures are linked to the life of the assets)










*BOOT – Build Own Operate Transfer; BOO- Build Own Operate; DBFOT- Design Build Finance Operate Transfer; MC- Management Contract; MRTS- Mechanized Refuse Transfer Station

Companies that Could Benefit from the Waste to Energy Sector

Companies in domains such as renewable energy (solar, wind, biomass etc.), Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC), transportation and logistics, sanitation and environment, small and large scale power plants, facilities management etc will be ideally suited for the waste to energy business. The table below outlines the type of companies that will be benefitted in each part of the waste to energy value chain.



India Waste to Energy

Waste to Energy


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