A detailed article on how Indians are preferring smaller cars…factually, most things are OK with me, but not when it comes to opinions expressed.
The problem with opinions is that it is easy for anyone to have them and they cost nothing anyway. Perhaps which is why there are too many of them, and the average quality is pathetic…
I am reminded of this while reading this article on Indians’ penchance for small cars…in this article we have a person from Maruti claiming, “Indians don’t want compromises. They want global design and technology along with fuel efficiency.” So, I guess what the person means is that Indians want the highest quality leg, feet site and they are willing to pay for it.
Yeah, I know! And how can I disagree at all.
Give me a break. Starting with our politics and the quality and attitude of our people, our work ethics and of course the empathy we show towards the 30 crores of poor, I am sure we Indians make no compromises…Man!
Net Zero by Narsi
Insights and interactions on climate action by Narasimhan Santhanam, Director - EAI
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