The questions which the author of the article asks regarding this solar rickshaw are obvious
- The soleckshaw is about three times as expensive as the cycle-rickshaw ($440 (Rs. 22000) as against $170 (Rs 8500). If the rickshaw-pullers could not afford their own rickshaw at $170 (Rs 8500), how are they more likely to become proud-owners by being able to afford the $440 (Rs 22000) one?
- How will the rickshaw-puller be able to handle the additional costs of electric-charging, batteries, solar-panels etc., on the soleckshaw if they could not look beyond the leasing-option on the no-such-additional-costs cycle-rickshaw?
Just in case you are interested in knowing how to tap solar power for your home or factory, visit Solar Mango that provides comprehensive details on how to use solar for decentralised power generation from rooftops. You can also get details on the various components and technologies that go into making a solar PV power system
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