Folks are now talking about Indian having 60 cities being solar powered in about 10 years from now, if we are able to generate the planned 20 GW of electricity from solar by then (As an aside, I did not know that we had 60 cities in the first place, but then, my idea of a city might be laden with too high expectations).
This opinion comes from Mark Ginberg, a senior official with the US Department of Energy.
The US Department of Energy and the All India Institute of Local Self Government (AIILSG) launched a joint training programme on ‘Energy efficient and green cities’ in Goa, which will train Indian experts, universities, local self governments and civic bodies on getting cities to move to solar powered energy.
According to an initial list of partnered Indo-US cities, Ahmedabad has been tied up with Atlanta and Columbus; Bangalore with San Francisco; Chennai with Denver, Delhi with Chicago, Mumbai with Los Angeles, Surat with Philadelphia and Vadodara (Baroda) with Edison, New Jersey, which has a large Gujarati community.
This tie-up is expected to enable institutions such as schools to study energy-smart schools in the US and implement the same here.
Net Zero by Narsi
Insights and interactions on climate action by Narasimhan Santhanam, Director - EAI
View full playlistSounds like an interesting idea.
Just in case you are interested in knowing how to tap solar power for your home or factory, visit Solar Mango that provides comprehensive details on how to use solar for decentralised power generation from rooftops and also provides details on the cost of generating solar power from rooftops and the amount of electricity solar PV systems can generate.