The grid connected solar power initiative of India, located in Asansol, West Bengal, has started functioning. The project, which has been set up as DPSC and Green Energy Development Corporation collaboration, is expected to produce 3 million units of electricity per annum.
The company said that they were buying solar power at Rs 5 a unit from the project for distribution.
Built on the DPSC land, the net capital expenditure of the project is Rs 34-35 crore. With the expected average revenue of Rs 4.8 crore per annum, an additional 97 paisa/unit can be earned by WBGEDC via the carbon credits sales accrued by this initiative.
The power produced by this project will be bought by DPSC at a rate of Rs. 5 per unit with an incentive of Rs 10 per unit being provided by Renewable Energy Ministry.
Net Zero by Narsi
Insights and interactions on climate action by Narasimhan Santhanam, Director - EAI
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