At a time when the entire renewable energy industry in India is keenly awaiting the announcement of the National Solar Mission, I came across a rather discordant news item that many Indian companies could be at least keen on China as they are on India with regard to investing in solar energy plants (mostly in terms of fab plants for solar panel manufacturing).
Why so?
The reasons are the usual suspects: aggressive government policies, soft bank loans (5-7% instead of 13% in India), and well, a market for solar panels that could be much larger than that in India, at least in the short term.
I guess business goes where there is business, so nothing surprising really, but there are many around the world that India’s Solar Mission could be as yet the most ambitious solar energy plans ever seen in renewable energy history worldwide. If the government walks the talk (and that is not just a big if, it is a humungously mammoth IF RLS), who knows, these companies might start recharting their investment strategies!
Business goes where there is business!
Net Zero by Narsi
Insights and interactions on climate action by Narasimhan Santhanam, Director - EAI
View full playlistIn case you are interested in knowing how to tap solar power for your home or factory, visit Solar Mango that provides comprehensive details on how to use solar for decentralised power generation from rooftops, provides details on the cost of generating solar power from rooftops, and also details such as roof area required for solar power systems etc.