The palatial residences of Haryana’s governor and chief minister in Chandigarh have been refurbished with new energy-efficient lighting worth nearly Rs.23 lakh that has brought down electricity bills at the two places by nearly Rs.900,000 annually.
The two sprawling residences of Governor Jagannath Pahadia and Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda are among the several buildings that have undergone energy audit under the state’s department of renewable energy’s plan to conserve energy.
The state’s power department has targeted energy conservation to the tune of 500 MW across Haryana. A department spokesman said an energy audit plan has been initiated for private, government, semi-government, industrial, commercial and institutional buildings.
Under the scheme, owners of the buildings would be given financial assistance of up to 50 percent of the investment made for energy saving with the maximum limit of Rs.50,000, provided they undertook to implement the energy audit report.
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