The AAI is also going to store energy by having batteries charged with the solar power and use them at night. The cycle of charging-using-recharging is expected to lead to some insulation from frequent power cuts.
Apart from Leh, AAI is also aiming to generate 250kw at its headquarters (Rajiv Gandhi Bhavan) in Delhi. “We plan to use this energy for our lighting and some power load (except ACs) like running computers. There are two options. We can either use the power or supply it to the grid,” said the official. The Delhi project is expected to cost Rs 4-4.5 crore and be ready by next April.
In fact, all new airports are aiming to get a green tag through energy efficient designs. Wherever permitted, like Delhi, the new airports are undertaking rain water harvesting, water recycling along with energy saving techniques. “Being world class does not mean just having a fancy glass-and-steel structure. We have to aim at being sustainable,” said a senior AAI official.
Net Zero by Narsi
Insights and interactions on climate action by Narasimhan Santhanam, Director - EAI
View full playlistAnd while on renewable energy in airports, here are some useful links on energy efficiency possibilities and potential in hotels, warehouses, airports, sports stadiums, hospitals and even prisons.