Chennai-based Orient Power Company it was planning to raise Rs 900 crores in July to part finance its Rs4,400 crore capex plan.
The company is planning to raise its renewable power generation capacity from 193 MW currently to 1000 MW by 2013. It is engaged in operating a diversified renewable energy portfolio comprising biomass, biogas, wind energy and small hydro projects.
Plans are afoot to set up 622 MW of wind energy, 178.5 MW of biomass and 15 MW of small hydro.
1000 MW from just one company, and that too a company that’s not exactly a household name. If such aspirations indeed come true for this and many other such companies, just consider the amount of renewable energy capacity that could be in the country within the next 5 years!
Net Zero by Narsi
Insights and interactions on climate action by Narasimhan Santhanam, Director - EAI
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