A 40-member from Wipro has developed a software+hardware combination that can improve the performance of solar PV power plants by picking up critical data from the PV panels and inverters and dynamically modelling it to improve generation.
It guarantees an improvement in power generation to the tune of 8-20%, which IS a big deal, given that a MW of solar PV power plant will generate about 1.5 million units of power a year, so a 10% increase is about 1.5 lakh units more, and at a feed in tariff of Rs 15 (an average number based on state and federal tariffs), that is about Rs 23 lakh extra per year from a 1 MW solar PV power plant.
Though Wipro claims that there is no other product similar to its solution, I doubt that statement. Some excellent Solar PV monitoring systems exist around the world, and while the Wipro thingie might score over those in finer points, don’t expect it to be disruptive. After all, solar PV power plants have existed in high tech countries like Germany for over a decade and some of the best monitoring systems come from there.
Ignoring the usual marketing exaggerations, kudos to Wipro all the same! I believe the company is likely to develop similar products for wind as well. But once again, the company will do well to ensure that they do have a USP, as there are many wind power plant monitoring software available already.
Source: Financial Express, Oct 25, 2010
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