A journalist for thirty years, M R Menon has seen alternative energy and clean technology take centre stage across the globe. His strong passion for this field has motivated him to start a energy and environment bi-monthly magazine ‘Energy Blitz’ that is published from Kerala.
When I first spoke to Mr.Menon, what amazed me was the strong and contagious zeal within him. His strong opinions on a subject were typical of a seasoned journalist, and it made me all the more eager to see the first edition of Energy Blitz.
The magazine’s first edition covered many key areas in the field of renewable energy like solar energy, solar-fossil integration and carbon footprint, waste to energy, green buildings and trading in energy. These insightful articles were contributed by top experts in the private and public sectors energy firms including consultants, policy makers, energy auditors etc. and were highly informative.
Energy Blitz covers articles on renewable energy topics from all over the world. Mr.Menon invites original contributions of articles in relevant areas, which have fresh ideas and a distinctive approach to deal with the topic.
Please find below a press release by Energy Blitz magazine that has their contact and subscription details.
Net Zero by Narsi
Insights and interactions on climate action by Narasimhan Santhanam, Director - EAI
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