Gamesa and Iberdrola signed a new framework agreement for a minimum of 50% of the total wind turbine fleet Iberdrola buys for its renewable energy business on Spanish and international markets between 2013 and 2022 – or until reaching a total of 3.8 GW.
All right, fairly old news (Dec 2011), but thought I’d blog about it because it shows the kind of strategic partnerships that could drive this industry over the next decade.
The agreement extends the companies’ joint efforts to other business areas which are strategic for Gamesa, including operation and maintenance services (O&M) and offshore wind energy.
- Iberdrola will award Gamesa a three-year contract to service 1,748.3 MW of its G4X-650 kW and G5X-850 kW wind turbine systems in Spain and Portugal;
- Iberdrola will extend by one year the companies’ current contract for operation and maintenance (O&M) services on 2312 MW of its G8X-2.0 MW wind turbines installed at wind farms in Spain and Portugal;
- The partners will embark on new areas of research in the provision of maintenance services (O&M); management of these services in the United States, and other programmes for enhancing the reliability of wind turbines, extending their life cycle and wind turbine conversion
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