Dear EAI Member
Greetings from EAI, hope you are doing well.
I would like to thank all the EAI members for having provided your valuable suggestions and
feedback for the last two editions of the monthly digest, a compilation of important and
interesting renewable energy updates that happened at EAI Daily for that month.
Based on your suggestions, we have tried to improve and include more sections in the monthly
Some of the additional sections we have added based on your feedback are:
India Renewable Energy Status
Cleantech Perspectives
Making a Difference
Cleantech Book Reviews
Hope you will find these additions interesting.
Do let me know your feedback and suggestions to improve this digest, and thank you very much
once again for being a valuable member of our community. You can send your feedback to me
or to Krishna (
If you find this interesting, please feel free to forward this to your friends.
Take care and all the best!
Narasimhan Santhanam
Cofounder & Director
Energy Alternatives India @
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